Maria Yrsa Ronneus Author interview

A little introduction:

Hello, I’m Maria, my dwelling is tucked into in the deep forests of southern Sweden where Vikings and gnomes once roamed. I’m an artist, a wife, and a university junkie. I love learning. In fact, I’m going backagain next semester for a course in creative writing. So far, I have self-published 5 novels: 4 in a Regency series set in Britain, because – like my ancestors – I am much interested in British antiques.
And the first of a series of contemporary romances set in Liverpool, which naturally includes gnomes, because – as we all know – all the best romances do. I’m currently writing on both vol 5 of Regency Tales and vol 2 of the Scouse Romances. Occasionally, I post short stories on Ko-fi and am an infrequent blogger on WordPress.

When did your love of books begin & when did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I was born a storyteller. I started drawing pictures and telling stories about them as soon as I could hold a crayon. The love of language, words, and images are amongst my first recollections. When my mother read me bedtime stories, I learnt to read in the process simply because I hated not being able to. I was always fiercely independent.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Stories and characters find me and then they hound me until I’ve written their stories. But my approach is quite methodical, I generally start by writing a synopsis. I adapt my style of writing to suit the story’s genre and setting and so on. Facts are all important to me, I’m anal about it to be honest, so I spend many months researching even minute details like the weather on a given date, etc. Unsurprisingly, my writing is slow and the stacks of notes are tall.
I knew early on that I wanted to publish independently. I’m not a team-player, it’s as simple as that. That’s why I chose English as my main writing language, as there aren’t similar Swedish-language platforms for independent publishing.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Read. Read all sorts of fiction and non-fiction. Think about usage of techniques and styles of storytelling. Don’t assume that because a text isn’t in your genre, you couldn’t learn from it. 

But mostly write. And rewrite. And write more. As most things, writing is a craft that has to be honed.
Also, develop thick skin. The creative arts aren’t for the faint of heart. But never let anybody dissuade you.

Tell us about your book/books:

Well, there are gnomes. In one of them at least.

There’s a lot of science, politics, and philosophy incorporated in all my books, not necessarily my own views but rather what’s likely that a certain character would believe. Characterisation is key to me, I aim to make my characters realistic and human. They are flawed: sometimes they are in the wrong, sometimes they make fools of themselves. But there is always, always a happy-ever-after, or at least a happy-for-now. That’s my one rule: I never write anything with an unhappy ending. I never read anything with an unhappy ending either any more. If I want misery I can read the news. That’s not to say that it’s fluffy feel-good all the way; several books deal with topics like addiction and abuse.
Ultimately, all my stories are about relationships, not just romantic ones, but between friends, relatives, and with animals.
That said, it would be a terrible waste to not seize the opportunity to have a gallant officer rip a stay or two. (Cue Lydia’s giggle in Pride and Prejudice here. “Officers!”)

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love how it’s such a vibrant place — so many different voices. Being a writer is a lonely occupation, particularly for indie writers, so this is our water cooler where we can meet colleagues. Support, exchange, and friendship across the globe is an amazing thing in our time. 

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you. If you left a review: I love you!

Where can people connect with you?

My online presence is erratic so the best bet is via email if it’s

You can check out my portfolio on my website, amongst other things I take commissions for book covers:

If you just want to say hello, Twitter is a good place: @ars_ronnei

Merch and support of my work:

My books can be bought on Amazon:önneus/e/B08B7N8SXF/

I’m also on Facebook:

and Goodreads:

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